Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Helium Depletion Could Lead to Medical Crisis

Helium Symbol  in Periodic table
Yes, the world is running out of Helium! and the worst thing is that it not an issue that is known to people around the world. Helium is used in many medical devices but MRI is one of the medical equipment that can be rendered useless without Helium as it used in the cooling process of the MRI super-magnet that must reach a near absolute zero temperature in order for the magnet to be able to have its high magnetization effect.

If the magnet's temperature increases, this damages the permanent magnet and thus can lead to have an MRI that is useless. Of course current MRI engineers are opting to use less Liquid Helium per hour. Furthermore there are studies that might replace the use of NbTi by MgB2 that needs less temperatures than the used magnet. But still this is not commercially used and Helium prices are rising and the supply is becoming more scarce.

Why is the world not looking at the issue as a problem that needs to be solved?

We have a very serious issue in hand that might lead to a very serious results on the use and cost of MRI machines, and thus we need serious efforts to be made worldwide in order to be able to fix such an increasingly high demand for Helium in the medical field and the possibility of having NO MORE Helium in the world!

One of the best solutions for this problem is to spread awareness among people around the world. And to devise a plan to recycle helium rather than leaving it to escape the earth. Also hospitals must be given higher priorities than any other uses of helium as this noble gas has a really noble function to do!

Moreover MRI manufacturers are now opting their new MRI machines to consume lesser amounts of Helium, which would eventually reduce operation costs and reduce Helium consumption (Zero Boil off). Some manufactures like Siemens are making breakthroughs in not only Helium consumption but in electricity consumption of the machine making their machines much more efficient than their rivals. Other manufacturers like Philips are offering an MRI upgrade to the next generation without the need to replace the entire hardware especially the mammoth sized magnet.

Finally, there are some sites that would offer some aid to Beat the Helium shortage but that is only going to aid temporarily as if the helium demand increases exponentially this will lead to increased prices and more helium shortages.

If you have any ideas or thoughts, please don't hesitate to write it in the comments section below.

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