Monday, August 22, 2016

Say No To high Heels

High heels are among one of the most bone devastating things a woman would endure, she wears such shoes just for her to look taller or prettier, without gaining anything good in return.

 Actually, she would have many bone deformities from the tip of her fingers to her spinal cord. What is worst than that is most people are unaware of such a problem, but if you just ask a girl what is she going to do soon after she returns from a party, she might tell you that she would want to take her heels off!

We would like you to look at the picture below and see how high heels impacts bone structure.

High heels horrors (Daily Mail)
Being fashionable should not affect health quality of anyone, paying such a high price for wearing high heels is really not worth it. We as biomedical engineers think that we are involved in improving health standards of the human being and thus we would like to shed awareness about high risks taken by wearing high heels. The problem gets worse for women who get pregnant as it imposes more risks you might want to read the top 6 serious risks of wearing high heels for pregnant women.

The solution needs to rise to such problem, one solution is the design of healthier high heels that are designed to have far fewer implications on the spinal cord and other bones/joints. But that is not all, as spreading awareness is the most important factor that will shift the market to a better place. Like any industry shoe making industry will follow people demands, thus if there is high demand for healthy shoes then the industry will start to shift to better-designed shoes.  

If you like this article you might want to share it with friends and family to spread awareness regarding health implication of wearing high heels. If you have any ideas thoughts or information you would like to share with others please write it down in the comments section below.

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