Monday, June 11, 2018

What Everyone Must Know About Robotics Uses In Medical Field

What is Robotics?

Robotics or robots form an integral part of our life as most high production factories rely on machines and robots to an extent that the need for a human manpower is limited in many aspects, why not as when a robot is capable of lifting heavy objects, welding microchips and it can do the job precisely and robustly. I will not get into the debate of being pro or against such acts and its effect on the future of working forces and unemployment. But I’d like to dwell on this subject from the biomedical engineer's point of view or at least point of interest.    

Robotic Arm Aiding Human Life
Next Generation Prosthetics

What is a medical Robot? 

               The definition of a medical robot is that it’s a robot used to perform medical surgery or take part in the healing process of a patient while the definition of medical robotics is sometimes limited to robots that aid in making precise medical surgeries the definition can be a broad as including the CT scanner and C-arm. We are here interested in the effect of these robots on a biomedical engineer that is supposed to maintain fully functional medical machines by using the most effective ways to do so.

               Not to complain about it, but medical equipment is in most cases contain the pinnacle of most domains combined and integrated in such a way that the machine becomes complicated for a biomedical engineer to fix! Well don’t get disappointed but as you can see in a hospital there are many medical devices that are varying from the simplest like syringe pump to the most complicated like in our case the Da Vinci Robotic Surgical System. So what is needed to be done to be able to operate such complicated machine in hospitals?

               The solution is that many techniques need to be applied, but the most important thing is that a biomedical engineer should have good knowledge in both mechanical and electrical fields, and to be willing to learn new interesting concepts.

               In most cases, one machine is divided among 3 or more engineers by which each one will concentrate on a certain domain in this machine and fix the specific malfunction. For example, a CT scanner has a really complicated mechanical system and at the same time has really complicated electrical boards; moreover, it has the medical chiller that needs to be operational to ensure that the machine’s X-ray tube and other parts are cooled to get good images. 

So such machines can be kept maintained by at least two biomedical engineers or technicians. This is also needed to be done when wanting to fix almost any advanced medical equipment like MRI, CAS and Da Vinci Surgical Robot. A Proton therapy machine would require a staggering 17 engineers! 

Importance of medical robotics for a Biomedical engineer

For a biomedical engineer implementing and integrating robotics in the medical field would mean more jobs and better demand for biomedical engineers, those who are skilled in designing, repairing and maintaining robotic systems will be able to see prosperity in their jobs and their financial situation as well! 

So in the near future, the introduction of robotics in the medical field is expected to increase the demand for the need for more biomedical engineers that can install operate and maintain such complicated systems.   

The Future of Robotics in Medical Field 

Future prosthetic limbs can mainly rely on robotics, that can restore the walking ability to those who lost their legs, or can have the ability to hold objects and move them around for those who have lost their hands. That would be a great concept, and surely this will make a human transfer to a cyborg. But that is the beauty of technology. The ability to transform lives! 

Many operations can be done using robots with much higher precision, smaller incisions, and better recovery. In addition, many high risks to impossible operation can become a "Just another Operation". The possibilities are endless in the entire meaning of the word! 

How can we separate fiction from reality? 

Most of us have seen at least one terminator movie, and the idea of having robots not only around us but contributing to our medical health might be a little frightening at first thought, however, it is able to provide more good than bad if used properly and with good intent. So what do you think are Robots going to be useful in the medical field? 

Please comment your thoughts in the comments section below.

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